Community Development
General Information
Phone Numbers
(707) 465-0426
Fax: (707) 465-0340
Emergencies: Dial 911
981 H Street, Suite 110
Crescent City,


To report an Environmental Health related hazard or nuisance within unincorporated Del Norte County, please complete the Complaint Form found in the link below and return to this email address:  You will be contacted by an Environmental Health Specialist following an investigation of the issue.  

Complaints may also be reported by phone or in-person during office hours.

Environmental Health Complaint form-- Fillable.pdf 

Heidi Kunstal

Community Development Department Director
981 H Street, Suite 110  |  Crescent City, CA 95531
Building Inspection  |  (707) 464-7253
Code Enforcement  |  (707) 464-7254
Engineering & Surveying  |  (707) 464-7229
Environmental Health  |  (707) 465-0426
Planning  |  (707) 464-7254
Roads  |  (707) 464-7238